Welcome to GeneratePress Guides
GeneratePress is, in my humble opinion, the best WordPress theme out there. Not only is it lightweight and fast but also highly customizable. GeneratePress is the theme I use on all of my websites. And because I’ve been using GeneratePress for such a long time I consider myself fairly well versed in its use.
Just like any other WordPress theme, GeneratePress is constantly evolving and adding new features. But unlike other themes, GeneratePress gets faster with each update and never adds unnecessary bloat to your website. GeneratePress doesn’t come with any required plugins which could slow down your site. It can sometimes be difficult to stay up-to-date and that is where I try to help with my GeneratePress guides. I will also show you how you can customize the GeneratePress theme to your liking.
Using GenerateBlocks to Style a GeneratePress Photography Gallery
This GeneratePress guide, will deliver a detailed explanation on how to style a bare-bones gallery using GenerateBlocks inside a Block Element.
Creating a minimalistic photography gallery using GenerateBlocks
This photography gallery created using a GeneratePress Block Element and GenerateBlocks is as simple as it gets: It is nothing more than a container in which the featured image is placed.
How to open a GeneratePress featured image in a lightbox
This guide will show you how to open featured images in a GeneratePress Content Template Block Element in a lightbox.
Building a photography gallery with GeneratePress and GenerateBlocks
This guide will show you how to initially set up a photo gallery using the Content Template Block Element in GeneratePress Premium and GenerateBlocks Pro.
Why I switched to Kinsta for WordPress hosting
This article will provide you with reasons as to why you should consider Kinsta as your host, and why a managed hosting provider is the best option.
GeneratePress Premium 2.0 is here and it changes everything
The upcoming version of GeneratePress Premium will once again change how you work with GeneratePress. Customization will be taken to the next level and no two GeneratePress websites will look the same ever again.
How to convert a WordPress post title in to a shortcode
Using a code snippet you can insert a post’s title as a shortcode anywhere on your sites and also in Block Elements.
Speeding up Shared Counts
This guide will show you how to use Shared Counts’ filters to further speed up the plugin and reduce the amount of JavaScript and CSS that is loaded.
How to add WhatsApp to Shared Counts
WhatsApp is one of the largest messaging services worldwide. By default, it is missing from Shared Counts. Follow this guide to add it manually.