About GeneratePress Guides
I wished I could tell you, that I’ve been using GeneratePress ever since I started building my websites. While that might not be the case, I am not too proud to admit that I’ve made my fair share of mistakes along the way. I started with two websites built with the site-builder Squarespace. I had known about WordPress but the promised easiness of Squarespace won me over. Mistakes were made. And Squarespace wasn’t to be the only one.
After issues plagued my Squarespace websites for too long, I finally made the move to WordPress. The migration took long and was arduous. Every single post had to be manually copied and pasted. Every image had to be reuploaded. But once I was through with it, I had finally set my foot into the world of WordPress.
Unfortunately, my beginnings with WordPress were also fraught with inexperience. The first theme I purchased was one called Zephyr and I found it on ThemeForest. I have one thing to say on themes from ThemeForest: Do not use them if you want a fast and clean website. Zephyr was overloaded with plugins that brought my page speed to a crawl. It also used WPBakery, with which I never got along with, as the default editor.
Everything changed when I discovered GeneratePress
I first learnt about GeneratePress’ existence through a thread on /r/juststart. It was said to be the fastest and cleanest theme for WordPress, and I was immediately eager to try it. In November 2018, I first purchased and downloaded GeneratePress Premium and I’ve been a loyal customer ever since.
I knew GeneratePress was a special theme. The GeneratePress Elements allowed me to add any content anywhere on my website. It was fast and stable. My page-speed increased and I had so much fun working with it. At the time, block elements and GenerateBlocks weren’t even yet a thing but I still stuck with it.
Where I’m at with GeneratePress today
I have spent countless hours working with GeneratePress. I’ve created hundreds of GeneratePress Elements and used just about every feature there is. As of writing, I have launched six websites all using this wonderful theme. And no website looks like the other. Each is special in its own way. I can’t picture myself working with any other WordPress theme.
I’ve been especially impressed by the updates I’ve installed in the last years. While still using the Zephyr theme, each update meant that my website would get slower or that things would break. No GeneratePress update so far has broken anything and each update makes my websites even faster than they were before.
GenerateBlocks completed the package
Perhaps the most relevant development in my years using GeneratePress was the launch of GenerateBlocks. Developed by Tom Usborne, the same person in charge of GeneratePress, these four blocks completed the GeneratePress experience. As expected, they won’t bog down your website and are rock-solid. Using them with the GeneratePress Block Elements was an experience like no other.